GEOGRAPHIC FARM SETUP SERVICE: Real Estate Farming Simplified
Save $100 with current sale: Ends soon!
(US and Canada Agents Only) For Real Estate Agents who want to expand their presence in a Geographic Farm. When submitting your order, include the ZIP Code (and neighborhood, if applicable) and the approximate number of houses you'd like included in your Geographic Farm.
We'll conduct market research to provide you with the most optimal Geographic Farm for you based on Annual Turnover Rate, Price-Points & Current Competition. You will recieve a digital PDF file of the final color-coordinated pre-divided maps of your new Farm.
You will also recieve a physical copy of "The Ultimate Geographic Farming Campaign": a 6-Month guide to build your presence in your Geographic Farm that includes:
- 9 highly engaging email templates.
- 2 personable letter templates for warm leads.
- 2 highly engaging postcard templates.
- 2 annual community events to hold in your geographic farm to build relationships with more homeowners.
Why wait? Establish yourself as the go-to real estate expert in your geographic farm today.
(If you already own a copy of "The Ultimate Geographic Farming Campaign" let us know at checkout and we'll send you a copy of "The Ultimate Expired Listing Campaign" instead!)
What you'll get
One (1) Digital PDF File complete with color-coordinated divided neighborhood map.
One (1) Physical copy of "The Ultimate Geographic Farming Campaign": a 6-Month marketing guide for your geographic farm complete with geographic farming postcard templates, letters, and more.
+ Please allow up to 48 hours for digital delivery.
+ Revisions or add ons: $25