Business Automation Tools
Find the best Automation and AI-powered tools for your Real Estate Business.
Featured Tools
Virtually stage your listing in one click. Powerful AI home-staging that transforms any...
Transform any vacant space into a beautifully furnished, MLS-ready showcase piece...
Email Automation
Maintain top-of-mind status with your contacts using highly effective email-automation systems.
Social Media Automation
Stay on top of your audience's feed without breaking a sweat. Social media automation is king.
Essential toolkit for agents that are ready to build their online presence and audience.
General Essentials
The tools that top-producing agents are using to ensure their business consistently rises above the rest.
Get up-to-date, real-time expired listing owner data including phone numbers, emails, and ev...
Transform any vacant space into a beautifully furnished, MLS-ready showcase piece...
"Automation is key in achieving the amount face-time with clients necessary to run a big real estate business."
We help Real Estate Agents turn their business into a business. Automated Real Estate Marketing Tools position you to dominate your local market and win more listings. We know this because our founder, Timothy Smith implemented digital marketing strategies into his business as a brand new real estate agent and closed more than $50 Million in Real Estate sales volume in his first 5 years.
Through our 10+ years in the digital real estate marketing world, we've learned that success in the real
estate business comes from a structured, strategic approach, and putting the right systems in place is crucial in succeeding year after year as a real estate agent.
Timothy Smith, Founder of Structured Agent
Check out our Amazon Series
Choose the marketing campaign that best suits your business needs. Plus, check out Structured Agent +, a Premium Community of like-minded Real Estate Professionals where you'll find new marketing tools to help you generate more listings from Geographic Farming, Expired Listings, and Open Houses.
Why Structured agent?
It doesn't matter if you're a newer agent looking for some direction or a seasoned veteran looking to expand your marketing arsenal, Structured Agent is here to help you implement organized and effective systems within your Real Estate business to generate more listings from your Geographic Farm and Expired-Listings.